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Change or cancel a booking

You can cancel your booking or make changes at any time before departure, however fees and charges may apply.

Time of ticket cancel Entitled to a refund? Fees per passenger
7 days or more before the departure date and time Yes No fees
Less than 7 days before the departure date and time Yes $5.50 cancellation / rebooking fees*
48 hours or less before the departure date and time Yes. You can cancel online but you will need to go to a sales agent with your ticket to process your refund. $5.50 cancellation / rebooking fees*
After service has departed No refund. You can book on next available service subject to a fee of $5.50 and any additional fare difference. 

$5.50 cancellation / rebooking fees*
Pensioner Travel Vouchers cannot be replaced.

Refunds may not be available for certain discounted or promotional tickets. If you have a non-refundable discounted booking, you are able to upgrade to a full fare and pay the difference. 

Tickets cannot be transferred to other people.

Check the terms and conditions on your fare to see what changes are permitted for your booking. You’ll also find the terms and conditions for your ticket in your confirmation email.

You can cancel your booking up to 48 hours before departure, however you may be charged a fee, subject to the time of cancellation. See when to cancel your booking for details.

Online bookings

If you made an online booking for any passenger type you can cancel your booking online.

  • If you purchased your ticket on the new booking site, you can manage your booking by entering your booking number and email address.
  • If you booked on the original booking website, you can log in to view and cancel a booking.

Phone booking

If you made your booking over the phone, you can call us on 13 22 32. Please have your ticket number on hand when you get in touch.

Sales agents

If your original booking was made with a sales agent, please contact them to change or cancel your booking. Cancellation and rebooking fees charged by private sales agents may vary, so please check these before booking.

Discovery Pass

Active Discovery Passes are non-refundable. A Discovery Pass is automatically activated once you've made your first booking. See the terms and conditions and fare rules.

Unused Discovery Passes

Refund applications for unused or non-activated Discovery Passes purchased online, can be made by contacting


If you would like to change your booking, including class of travel, date or time, you will need to cancel and rebook. You may be charged a fee, subject to the time of cancellation.

If you are upgrading your ticket, you will need to pay the fare difference. You will not be charged a rebooking fee when you pay the fare difference.

If you are downgrading your ticket, you are entitled to a refund of the fare difference. Rebooking fees may apply.

Online bookings

You can only cancel your booking online if it's more than 48 hours before the departure date and time.

For most online bookings, simply:

  1. Enter the booking number and email address on the new booking site, or if you booked on the original booking website, login there to retrieve your booking.
  2. Cancel your original booking. Refunds are returned to the same credit card you used to pay for your original booking. Cancellation fees may apply.
  3. Make a new booking.

Note: You will be charged for two fares until your refund has been processed.

Alternatively, you can contact NSW TrainLink on 13 22 32 to change your booking.

Phone booking

If you made your booking over the phone, contact NSW TrainLink on 13 22 32 to change your booking. Please have your ticket number on hand when you get in touch.

Sales agents

If your original booking was made through a sales agent, please contact the travel agent to make changes. Cancellation and rebooking fees charged by private sales agents may vary, so please check these before booking.