Country Pensioner Excursion ticket (CPE)

A Country Pensioner Excursion (CPE) ticket is an affordable ticket for eligible pensioners and seniors to travel in regional NSW and the ACT.
For $2.50 you can book an Economy class seat on a NSW TrainLink Regional service. You will need to book 7 days or less in advance.
You can buy a CPE ticket if you have one of the following cards:
- Seniors Card from any Australian state or territory
- NSW, Victorian or ACT Pensioner Concession Card (pensioners from other states and territories pay half fare)
- NSW, ACT or Victorian War Widow/er Transport Concession Card
- DVA Gold Health Card marked with Totally & Permanently Incapacitated (TPI) or Extreme Disability Adjustment (EDA) endorsement
- Asylum Seekers Transport Concession Entitlement Card
You will need to book your ticket before you travel. If you arrive for a service without booking, you will be charged the applicable concession fare.
You can make several stops on the same ticket, including returning to place of origin, providing you don’t stop for more than 12 hours and complete your journey as shown on the ticket.
Remember to carry your concession card when you travel, as transport staff will need to check it.
The CPE ticket cannot be used for travel through NSW TrainLink Intercity or Sydney Trains areas such as Sydney, Wollongong or Newcastle or for travel to the Blue Mountains, or for interstate locations in Queensland, Victoria, or South Australia
View the Country Pensioner Excursion tickets boundary map (pdf 628KB).
If you wish to travel through these areas, use the half-fare entitlement with your Pensioner Concession Card or Seniors Card or use a Pensioner Travel Voucher. If you are only travelling within the Opal network, you can use a Gold Senior/Pensioner Opal card.
There are several ways to book a CPE ticket:
- Book online and pay by credit card. Select Concession Type: Country Pension Excursion Fare when booking online.
- Book over the phone on 13 22 32.
- Book at train stations and sales agents outside Sydney. Find NSW TrainLink sales agents.
CPE tickets cannot be bought from locations within Sydney and surrounding boundary area. This includes Central Station. View the Country Pensioner Excursion tickets boundary map (pdf 628KB).
- Tickets must be booked within seven days of the date of travel.
- You need to provide your concession card number when booking and you must carry both your ticket and concession card with you during your journey.
- The CPE cannot be used for travel within the area bounded by and including Sydney, Nowra, Moss Vale, Lithgow, Muswellbrook, Maitland, Karuah and Booral.
- The ticket is not transferable.