Plan your travel in NSW using the Trip Planner or apps, check timetables and travel alerts and find information on stations, stops, wharves and how to get to events.
Tickets and fares for metro, train, bus, ferry, light rail and coach within Sydney and around NSW. Find out about Opal or book NSW TrainLink Regional train and coach services.
How to use public transport to get around Sydney and NSW. Travel to and from Sydney Airport. Information about accessible travel, safety and security, travelling with prams and late night transport.
Contact Transport for NSW for information, feedback, lost property, Opal customer care or regional bookings or follow us on social media. Help with using the Trip Planner or tell us how we can help.
Find out more
Live Traffic website
Live Traffic regions
Sydney traffic twitter feed
Regional NSW traffic twitter feed
Live traffic NSW on facebook
Taxis and hire vehicles
Transport Park&Ride car parks
Sydney CBD tow-away area
Toll roads and passes
E-Toll pass
eMU Casual Pass
NSW Rest Areas
Report a pothole or damaged road
NSW electric vehicle charging map
Live Traffic iOS app
Live Traffic Android app
Speed advisor iOS app
Speed advisor android app
Other real-time road apps