Better bus services for Griffith

Griffith will receive improved and additional services as part of bus network improvements in the region from Monday 18 September 2023. Some of the features of the new network and timetable include:
- 77 additional weekly services.
- A new service linking South Griffith and Pioneer directly with the Griffith Hospital precinct.
- New Sunday and Public Holiday services within Griffith.
- New services in growing suburbs, including new residential developments in Collina and South Griffith.
- Easier and safer access for bus customers to the Griffith Hospital precinct.
- New services to St Vincent’s Private Community Hospital.
- Improved access to the Aboriginal Medical Service on Jondaryan Avenue.
- New middle-of-day weekday services to Yenda, Beelbangera, Yoogali, Bilbul, Hanwood and Darlington Point.
- New weekday school holiday services to Hanwood and Darlington Point.
- New services to Griffith Regional Sporting Centre and Griffith Exies Sports Club.

Griffith bus network map (pdf 2.1MB)
How to plan your better bus trip
From 4 September, check the new timetables online with the Trip Planner.
Simply enter your departure point and destination to see your trip options on an interactive map and get real-time updates or download a travel app that suits you.
If you have questions about the service improvements, please email or contact the 16 Regional Cities Services Improvement Program on 1800 717 528.
You can also contact:
Griffith Buslines:
02 6964 3113
Help in other languages
For help in other languages please call TIS National on 131 450 and ask them to contact The 16 Regional Cities Services Improvement Program (Griffith) on 1800 717 528.
अन्य भाषाओं में सहायता के लिए कृपया TIS नेशनल को 131 450 पर कॉल करें और उनसे 16 क्षेत्रीय शहर सेवा
सुधार कार्यक्रम (ग्रिफ़िथ) को 1800 717 528 पर संपर्क करने के लिए कहें।
Per assistenza in altre lingue chiamare TIS National al 131 450 e chiedere il collegamento
al 16 Regional Cities Services Improvement Program (Griffith) al numero 1800 717 528.
Sipos yu wantem help long wan narafalla toktok, mbae yu ring I ko long TIS National 131 450
mo askem olgeta se oli kontaktem “16 Regional Cities Program” (hemia long Griffith)
olsem: 1800 717 528.
Watch the video to learn more about our bus services improvement program for Griffith
Network Overview by route and frequently asked questions
Download the full list of FAQs (pdf 408KB), including tips on how to travel to key locations within Griffith by bus
Route | Overview |
940 |
941 |
942 |
943 |
944 |
945 |
946 |
There will 77 additional services weekly across the Griffith bus network.
- East Griffith, Driver, Collina: 16 additional trips per week (Route 940 and selected 944 services)
- South Griffith and Pioneer: 22 additional trips per week (Route 942 and Route 943 services)
- North Griffith: 7 additional trips per week (Route 941 services)
- Beelbangera, Yenda, Bilbul and Yoogali: 30 additional trips per week (Route 944 services)
- Darlington Point and Hanwood: 10 additional trips per week (Route 945 services)
- Three Ways and Mayfair: 6 additional trips per week (Route 946 services)
All Griffith town bus routes service Griffith CBD and most bus routes service along Kidman Way between Griffith CBD and Hometown shopping centre. The wider town bus network operates within the residential area of Griffith, as well as between Griffith and Beelbangera, Yenda and Darlington Point. Use the list below to find your bus route(s) to catch a bus from your residential area:
- Bus Route 940 – East Griffith, Driver and Collina
- Bus Route 941 – North Griffith
- Bus Route 942 – South Griffith, Pioneer and West Griffith
- Bus Route 943 – South Griffith, Pioneer, West Griffith, Mayfair and North Griffith
- Bus Route 944 – East Griffith, Driver, Collina, Beelbangera, Mooreville, Yoogali, Bilbul and Yenda
- Bus Route 945 – Hanwood and Darlington Point
- Bus Route 946 – Three Ways, Mayfair and North Griffith
Refer to for Griffith Buslines timetable details
Paper copies of the Griffith Buslines timetable can be collected from Griffith Buslines bus depot at 72 Wakaden St, Griffith (phone 6964 3113), Griffith City Library, Griffith Community Centre, and Griffith Visitors Information Centre.
Timetables can also be viewed and downloaded from the bus route lookup.
Timetable information can also be found using an app on your smart device. Refer to the Transport apps page for apps that can be used to plan journeys.
Dedicated school bus services will be unchanged.
Students who use regular public route services to travel to and from school may have changes to their travel. Passengers are advised to check the timetable for details.
Given there will be more bus services across Griffith, school students may have more travel options to travel between home and school.
Refer to the Griffith Buslines website for dedicated school service options for each school.
TfNSW consulted with the Griffith community in 2022 to better understand how people were using buses, and how the existing bus network and timetable could be improved. This community feedback was considered as the new bus service plan was developed, in close consultation with local bus operator Griffith Buslines.
You can provide your feedback about the new services by sending an email to or by calling 1800 717 528.
- Arrive at your bus stop at least 5 minutes before the scheduled departure
- Have your cash fare, and concession card if applicable, ready before the bus arrives
- You can identify the correct bus by checking the route number on the destination sign above the bus windscreen
- As the bus approaches, signal to the driver that you wish the bus to stop by raising your hand then stand back from the kerb
- Wait for others to alight the bus before boarding
- Ask the driver to lower the bus if needed
- Priority seating is available at the front of each bus for customers who are older, have a disability, mobility concerns, or who are pregnant.
- Ensure luggage, bags and personal items are stowed correctly and not blocking the aisle.
- Where fitted on buses seatbelts must be worn.
- Remain seated, or if standing, hold onto the handrails at all times whilst the bus is moving.
- As the bus approaches your bus stop press the stop button near your seat, if you are vision impaired advise the driver on boarding the bus where you wish to alight.
- Check that you have all your belongings with you.
- Wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before moving to get off the bus.
Yes, hail-and-ride is possible in certain areas, however bus stops should be used if they are available. Hail and ride should only be used where bus stops are not nearby, and only from locations where it is safe to stop a bus.
Yes, approximately 50 new bus stop signs will be installed around Griffith and its suburbs. Updated timetable information will be displayed at all new and existing bus stops.
You can use cash to purchase a bus ticket on-board the bus from the driver. Electronic payments are not currently accepted.
Yes. The fare structure will not change.