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School Pass Terms and Conditions

These School Pass Terms (Terms) apply to the eligibility, issuance and use of an Opal Card for school and TAFE students (School Opal Card) or any other school travel pass (collectively, the School Pass) issued by Transport for NSW or any private transport operator approved by Transport for NSW (TfNSW) under the School Student Transport Scheme (SSTS).

Subsidised travel under the SSTS is available to school and TAFE students who meet the eligibility criteria in these Terms and otherwise comply with these Terms. Subsidised travel is only applicable on school days specified by the NSW Department of Education.

By using a School Pass, the student, if aged 16 years or over, or otherwise, the parent/guardian of the student agrees to these Terms and, in the case of a School Opal Card, the Opal Terms of Use, subject to section 3(h) below, including the consent to disclosure of personal information in accordance with the Opal Privacy Policy, referred to in the Opal Terms of Use.

Only school and TAFE students who are eligible for free government education are eligible for subsidised travel. Further eligibility criteria are set out below.

(a) School Students

To be eligible for subsidised travel under the SSTS, school students must be:

  1. a resident of NSW; and
  2. 4 years 6 months of age or older; and
  3. an infant student; i.e. attending Kindergarten, Year 1 or Year 2 classes, irrespective of the distance from home to school; or
  4. a primary student (Year 3-6), and reside more than 1.6 kilometres (straight line distance) from the school attended, measured from the centre of the school site, or 2.3 kilometres or more by the most direct practicable walking route to the nearest point of physical entry to the school; or
  5. a secondary student (Year 7-12), and reside more than 2.0 kilometres (straight line distance) from the school attended, measured from the centre of the school site, or 2.9 kilometres or more by the most direct practicable walking route to the nearest point of physical entry to the school; and
  6. enrolled at a registered day or boarding school; and
  7. eligible for free government education.

(b) TAFE students

To be eligible for subsidised travel under the SSTS, TAFE students must:

  1. be a resident of NSW; and
  2. be under 18 years of age at 1 January of the year of application; and
  3. live more than 3.2 kilometres from the college by the most practicable walking route; and
  4. be enrolled in a full-time TAFE course, i.e. a course with a duration of 12 weeks or more requiring minimum attendance of 16 hours per week; and
  5. not be employed; and
  6. be attending the TAFE college nearest his/her home at which the enrolment is available; and
  7. be eligible for free government education.

(c) Overseas students

Students who are not eligible for free government education are not eligible for subsidised travel.

  1. Parents/guardians of students deemed ineligible by their school or local transport operator on straight line distance grounds may apply to TfNSW for a review of the determination on walking distance or pedestrian safety grounds. Where the application for subsidised travel was made by a student aged 16 years or over, then the student may make the application to TfNSW for such a review on their own behalf or authorise their parent/guardian to do so.
  2. Should TfNSW, after carrying out the review, not approve subsidised travel and the applicant(s) considers that there are special circumstances, such as pedestrian safety and/or hardship issues associated with their case, they may appeal the TfNSW decision.
  3. Appeals are heard by an independent SSTS Appeals Panel which considers each case on its individual merits.
  1. Students must abide by the Codes of Conduct for School Students when travelling (Codes of Conduct) and the Passenger Transport Regulation 2007 or any amendment to or replacement of this Regulation which governs passenger conduct when travelling by rail or bus. The School Pass must only be used for journeys between the students home and school, as nominated on the application, or otherwise approved by TfNSW and subject to the conditions in these Terms (Approved Journey).
  2. The School Pass:
    1. may be used for only one forward and one return Approved Journey per school or college day (as applicable);
    2. is not transferable to another person; and
    3. must be presented on boarding the transport service (other than a School Opal Card which must be used to tap on and tap off) and on demand.
    4. Is not eligible for use on non-school days, or school holidays. Transport for NSW uses the official NSW Government website to determine school term dates.
  3. If the School Pass is not presented, the transport operator may refuse travel unless the student pays the required fare.
  4. In some circumstances, a bus operator may require a student using a School Pass to use a particular bus service for an Approved Journey.
  5. The School Pass holder must not remain seated whilst an adult or disabled passenger stands.
  6. Use of the School Pass for Approved Journeys by school students:
    1. Travel for an Approved Journey, using the School Pass, is only available to and from the student's home and school for school attendance and is available on school days (Monday to Friday, excluding school holidays) only for travel commencing between 6.30am and 7.00pm;
    2. The Approved Journey, using the School Pass, may consist of one or more connected trips. An individual trip must not be broken.
  7. Use of the School Pass for journeys by TAFE students:
    1. Travel for an Approved Journey, using the School Pass is only available to and from the student's home and TAFE college for college attendance and is available on college days (Monday to Friday, excluding TAFE holidays) only for travel commencing between 6.30am and 9.30pm;
    2. The Approved Journey, using the School Pass, may consist of one or more connected trips. An individual trip must not be broken.
  8. School Opal Card:
    1. Any students issued with a School Opal Card must comply with the Opal Terms of Use, including the Opal Privacy Policy, in addition to these Terms. The Opal Terms of Use are available at . The Opal Terms of Use may be amended from time to time in accordance with the Opal Terms of Use;
    2. When using a School Opal Card, it is a condition of use that students must tap on at the beginning of a trip and tap off at the end of a trip at an Opal Card Reader, subject to exceptions set out in the Opal Terms of Use. It is not possible to add value to a School Opal Card as it is a non-reloadable card as described in the Opal Terms of Use. Any terms in the Opal Terms of Use in connection with or relating to adding value to or receiving refunds from, an Opal Card, do not apply to a School Opal Card;
    3. To the extent that there is any inconsistency between these Terms and the Opal Terms of Use, the relevant term in these Terms will prevail.
  1. TfNSW may verify the personal details of the student relevant to the student's eligibility at any time and may contact the applicant or the student's school or TAFE college to do this. These details include the student's name, date of birth, school year, residential address or addresses and school or TAFE college attended and, where applicable, TAFE course details and attendance hours per week. Please see the Privacy Notice at section 8 of these Terms for more information.

  2. TfNSW may refuse or withdraw subsidised travel if:
    1. the student's personal details cannot be verified; or
    2. the student's personal details are not provided or cannot be disclosed and used as described in the Privacy Notice at section 8 of these Terms; or
    3. investigation shows the student to be ineligible; or
    4. the student is found to have breached the Codes of Conduct; or
    5. the student is found to have breached these Terms.
  3. Following notification of withdrawal, subsidised travel would cease forthwith and the student or parent/guardian may be required to surrender any issued School Pass to the School Principal or TAFE College Principal, the transport operator or to TfNSW, as directed.

School Opal Cards automatically expire when a student:

  • is no longer eligible, or
  • completes the final grade offered by their school.

Other school passes, including Term Bus Passes, may expire more frequently.

An application to update an existing school pass should be submitted if there has been a change of details, including:

  • student’s name
  • school (including entering Year 7 at a new school),
  • address, or
  • as a result of a new shared parental responsibility situation.

If approved, the existing school pass will be updated with the new details and can continue to be used.

  1. TfNSW or, if applicable, the transport operator who issued the School Pass will replace a lost, stolen, faulty or damaged School Pass on completion of an application and the payment of any fee or fees that may apply.
  2. Where a School Pass, other than a School Opal Card, is lost, stolen, or damaged beyond recognition, the student (where aged 16 years or over) or parent/guardian should contact the relevant transport operator for assistance.
  3. Where a School Opal Card, is lost, stolen, or damaged beyond recognition, the student (where aged 16 years or over) or parent/guardian can apply for a replacement online.

A replacement fee may be required for lost, stolen, faulty or damaged Passes. Different transport operators may charge different fees.

TfNSW is committed to protecting the privacy of your personal information in accordance with the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW)("PPIP Act") and the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 (NSW)("HRIP Act").

What personal information does TfNSW collect?

By making an application for or using the School Student Transport Scheme ("SSTS") you will provide personal information to TfNSW including: your name, address, contact details, date of birth, gender, contact details for your parent or guardian, school information and information about your trips.

Applicants who are 16 years or older must complete their own application. Applications for children 15 years and younger should be completed by a parent or guardian on the child's behalf.

There is no requirement for you to provide your personal information to TfNSW because applying for SSTS is voluntary. However, if you do not provide the personal information requested TfNSW will not be able to process your application.

How does TfNSW use your personal information?

TfNSW collects your personal information to administer and manage SSTS. TfNSW collects your personal information using the application form and through your use of your School Pass.

Applicants and participants

In administering and managing SSTS TfNSW may use your personal information to:

  • assess the eligibility of applicants for a School Pass;
  • issue and monitor use of a School Pass;
  • investigate and handle non-compliance with the SSTS Terms and Conditions;
  • assess service capacity & performance, undertake transport planning and develop transport policy.

If you become a participant in SSTS, then TfNSW will collect the travel history of your trips for these purposes.


If you are completing the application on behalf of the applicant, then TfNSW may collect your personal information for the purpose of contacting you as the authorised alternate contact.

Medical practitioners – collection and purpose

If you are a medical practitioner providing health information about your patient then you will also provide certain personal information to TfNSW including: your name, provider number, qualification, address and contact details. TfNSW collects this information for the purpose of verifying that you are a qualified medical practitioner and contacting you if further health information about your patient is required.

Who receives your personal information?

TfNSW staff who administer and manage SSTS will use your personal information for administering and managing SSTS.

TfNSW also engages contractors to assist in administering and managing SSTS. Each contractor is required to comply with the PPIP Act and the HRIP Act as though they were TfNSW. For example, your personal and medical details will be used by TfNSW’s contracted medical practitioners for the purpose of assessing eligibility for assisted travel under SSTS.

TfNSW’s contractors only use your personal information to provide the services TfNSW is paying them to provide – this is a use of your personal information by TfNSW. The contractors are not permitted to use your personal information for any other purpose.

Who does TfNSW disclose your personal information to?

To administer and manage SSTS, TfNSW may share your personal information with third parties in limited circumstances:

  • Your personal details are disclosed to your School or College for the purpose of verifying the validity of information and for administering and managing SSTS;
  • Your personal details are disclosed to NSW Department of Education and agencies within its cluster for the purpose of verifying the validity of information and for administering and managing SSTS;
  • Your personal details and details of your SSTS account are disclosed to Government agencies of other states and territories with whom the state of New South Wales has reciprocal student transport arrangements;
  • Public transport operators including Sydney Metro, Sydney Trains and State Transit Authority of NSW;
  • Transport service operators including private bus operators, ferry operators and any other third party who provides transport services in connection with the SSTS.

TfNSW may also share aggregated and de-identified information for the purposes of assessing service capacity & performance, transport policy and planning purposes, transport public funding and passenger transport services safety.

Otherwise, TfNSW will not disclose your personal or health information without your consent, or unless permitted or required to by law.

How can you access and alter your personal information?

You may access any personal information that TfNSW has collected about you. You may also have your personal information corrected if you can establish that it is not accurate, complete or up to date.

If you wish to access, correct or remove your personal information held by TfNSW then please visit the TfNSW website and complete a self-service update:

Alternatively, you can contact the School Student Transport Scheme by lodging an online enquiry at

Which agency is collecting and holding your personal information?

TfNSW collects and holds your personal information.

TfNSW’s head office address is:

Transport for NSW
Level 5, Octagon Building
110 George Street
Parramatta NSW 2150

How to find out more about privacy?

Your information will be managed by TfNSW in accordance with the PPIP Act and HRIP Act.

For information about how your personal information is collected, used and disclosed by us, please see our Privacy Policy at For information about how your personal information is collected, used and disclosed, in the Opal ticketing system in connection with School Opal Cards, please read the Opal Privacy Policy at

If you have a concern or complaint about the way your personal information has been collected, used and disclosed you should contact:

Privacy Team
Legal, Privacy and Information Access Unit
Transport for NSW
PO Box K659
Haymarket NSW 1240

In circumstances where a school student is deemed ineligible for subsidised travel under Section 1 above, a school Term Bus Pass may be available for purchase. Further information in relation to the school Term Bus Pass, including purchasing a school Term Bus Pass from Transport for NSW, can be found at

Some private bus operators in rural and regional areas may issue their own term passes. In these circumstances, the relevant transport operator should be contacted to enquire about the availability and appropriate pass that may be purchased and used.

Where a school Term Bus Pass has been purchased from Transport for NSW, with the exception of Sections 1 and 2 of these Terms, all other terms of these Terms will apply, including the Codes of Conduct and terms relating to School Opal Cards.

School Term Bus Passes are not available for TAFE students.

Payment for a school Term Bus Pass entitles the student to travel for Approved Journeys for the school terms purchased. To re-activate the school Term Bus Pass, payment must be made prior to the commencement of each school term.

Prices for the school Term Bus Pass will be published at and are subject to change.

  1. These Terms and the Codes of Conduct may be amended from time to time. Any changes will take effect when they are published on our website at

  2. If TfNSW makes any changes that it considers will adversely affect a student's use of or eligibility for a School Pass in a material way, it will take such steps to notify the student or parent/guardian as TfNSW considers reasonably appropriate (for example by including a notice on the Website). By continuing to use a School Pass after any changes are published on the Website, the student (if 16 years or over) or the parent/guardian agrees to be bound by those changes. If the student or the parent/guardian does not agree to any such changes the student must cease using the School Pass.

These School Pass Terms are governed by the laws of New South Wales and TfNSW and you submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New South Wales.

If any part of these Terms is held to be unenforceable, the unenforceable part is to be given effect to the fullest extent possible and the remainder will remain in full force and effect.