Regional bus tickets and fares

Throughout NSW there are buses that run within and between regional centres and towns. You can use the Trip Planner to plan a trip anywhere within NSW.
You can also view route maps and download a timetable by searching for your bus number at routes and timetables. This does not include school buses. Speak to your local operator for school bus service information.
In most areas you hail the bus from dedicated bus stops, however some rural areas have hail and ride sections.
There are 10 standard fare bands across regional NSW.
The maximum adult fare for a short trip (one to two sections) is $2.30. Any trip longer than 200 kilometres has a maximum fare of $25.00 for an adult.
The daily ticket allows unlimited travel on regional buses within certain sections within a day. Daily adult tickets start at a maximum of $5.00 for short trips and are a handy option if you need to make several trips within certain sections within a day.
Bus operators may choose to set fares below these limits. Eligible concession holders will pay half the adult fare. Contact your operator to find out about fares and concession information.
Fare structure
Fare band | Number of sections | Maximum Adult single trip fares | Adult Daily Ticket |
1 | 1-2 | $2.30 | $5.00 |
2 | 3-6 | $3.30 | $5.00 |
3 | 7 to 15 | $4.20 | $10.00 |
4 | 16 to 25 | $4.50 | $10.00 |
5 | 26 to 37 | $5.90 | $10.00 |
6 | 38 to 56 | $7.50 | $20.00 |
7 | 57 to 75 | $10.00 | $20.00 |
8 | 76 to 100 | $15.00 | $30.00 |
9 | 101 to 125 | $20.00 | $30.00 |
10 | 126+ | $25.00 | $30.00 |
Eligible concession card holders can access discounted bus fares in regional New South Wales with a Regional Excursion Daily (RED) ticket.
The RED ticket provides unlimited local daily bus travel for just $2.50, making it affordable for you to get around by bus. RED tickets are accepted by more than 600 local bus operators in regional centres around NSW. Ask your local operator for details.
The RED ticket is not valid on NSW TrainLink train or coach services.
You can buy a RED ticket if you have one of the following cards:
- NSW Seniors Card
- Pensioner Concession Card from NSW, Victoria or ACT (issued by Centrelink of the Department of Veterans’ Affairs)
- NSW War Widow/er Transport Concession Card
- DVA Gold Health Card marked with Totally & Permanently Incapacitated (TPI) or Extreme Disability Adjustment (EDA) endorsement
- Asylum Seekers Transport Concession Entitlement Card
Where to buy a RED ticket
You can buy your RED ticket from the driver on the first bus you board on the day of travel.
You must show your concession card when purchasing your ticket. Remember to keep your concession card and RED ticket with you on every service you catch.
RED tickets are valid until midnight on day of purchase.
RED Terms and conditions
- You cannot use RED tickets on other modes of transport, including NSW TrainLink Regional trains or coaches. If you are eligible, you can book a Country Pensioner Excursion ticket for use on NSW Regional train services.
- You cannot use RED tickets on services in the Sydney metropolitan or outer metropolitan areas. If you are travelling in Sydney and surrounding areas, you may be eligible for a Gold Senior/Pensioner Opal card for the Sydney metropolitan and outer metropolitan areas.
- The ticket is not transferable.