Get an Opal card

How to get an Opal card
Depending on which card you need, there are a number of ways to get an Opal card. Adult and Child/Youth Opal cards are available over the counter from Opal retailers, including convenience stores and newsagents, while concession cards must be applied for online.
There is no charge for an Opal card, however a minimum top up value of $20 for an adult card, or $10 for a child or concession card, applies at retailers or when using top up machines. Top up amounts of $10 for adult and $5 for child or concession are available when topping up online.
You can also use contactless payments as an alternative to travelling with an Adult Opal card. You can also purchase Opal single trip tickets, however prices are more expensive than using an Opal card and some stations, stops and wharves do not sell them.
You can get these Opal cards:
- over the counter at Opal retailers
- on the Opal website
- at selected Transport Customer Service Centres
- at selected Service NSW locations
Find out more about Adult Opal cards
You can also use a contactless credit or debit card or linked device for an Adult Opal fare.
You can get these Opal cards:
- over the counter at Opal retailers. Find a location on the Opal retailers map
- on the Opal website
- at selected Transport Customer Service Centres
- at selected Service NSW locations
- Find out more about Child/Youth Opal cards
You will need to apply on the Opal website providing your proof of entitlement card and information about your eligibility.
Tertiary students
The Concession Opal card is available for eligible students at participating tertiary institutions in NSW.
See the full list of participating universities and tertiary institutions.
You'll need to give your consent for your institution to share your details with Transport for NSW.
Find out more.
Apprentices and trainees
First you'll need to apply for a Transport Concession Entitlement Card. Then with your TCID number handy apply online for your Concession Opal card.
Find out more.
Job seekers and other approved Centrelink customers
Before applying for your Concession Opal card, you need to have successfully applied for a Transport Concession Entitlement Card, as you must have both cards to travel.
Find out more, including how to apply online.
You will need to apply on the Opal website providing your proof of entitlement card and information about your eligibility.
Make sure you have your NSW or ACT Seniors, Pensioner Concession or NSW War Widow/er card handy to confirm your eligibility.
Interstate seniors
If you’re a senior coming from interstate with an Australian State or Territory Government issued Seniors Card and don’t hold a Pensioner Concession card, you cannot apply online or by phone. Interstate Seniors Card holders (except from the ACT) can apply for a Gold Opal card by printing the Interstate Seniors application form (pdf 283KB) and following the instructions provided. You will need to apply 2-3 weeks before travelling to NSW.
Asylum seekers
If you're an eligible asylum seeker you can apply online.
Find out more about how to apply.
For help in your language:
- download a translated factsheet
- call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450.
DVA Veteran Gold Card holders
If you have a Commonwealth Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) Veteran Gold Card or a DVA Gold Health Card, you could be entitled to senior/pensioner fares on public transport in NSW. Find out more on how to apply.
For all the eligibility and application information, see school student travel concessions.
The free travel Opal card is available for eligible ex-members of the Defence Forces or people that hold a Vision Impaired Person's (VIP) Travel Pass.
You will need to provide your proof of entitlement card and information about your eligibility.
If you’re an ex-member of the Defence Forces with a disability and meet eligibility for a free travel Transport Concession Entitlement Card, you can apply for a Transport Concession Entitlement Card and free travel Opal card at the same time. Find out more, including how to apply.
If you already have your Transport Concession Entitlement Card, call 131 500 to get your free travel Opal card.
A free travel Opal card allows you to open gates at metro and train stations and ferry wharves without staff. It is optional and for convenience, and is not a requirement for free travel.
Other ex-members of the Defence Forces who are eligible for free travel can download the Ex-Defence Force Travel Pass application form (pdf 304KB), fill it in and send it, with two passport-sized photographs, to:
Transport for NSW
PO Box K659
Haymarket NSW 1240
Vision impaired
If you hold a Vision Impaired Person's Travel Pass, you can apply for a free travel Opal card by calling 131 500.
Find out more about applying for a Vision Impaired Person’s Travel Pass. Remember your application must be completed by an ophthalmologist (or an optometrist in rural and regional areas).
Contactless is another way to pay for your trip on the Opal network. You can tap on and tap off with a debit or credit card or a linked device, and get the same fare and travel benefits of an Adult Opal card. You can use a contactless enabled American Express, Mastercard and Visa credit/debit card or device linked to one of these cards.
Find out more about contactless payments.