Apply for an Assistance Animal Permit

Transport for NSW Assistance Animal Permit
If you'd like your assistance animal to travel with you on public transport, you must have an accepted type of valid accreditation.
This accreditation allow your animal to ride with you, free of charge on all NSW metro, train, bus, ferry, light rail, taxi, private bus and private ferry services.
The accepted types of valid accreditation are:
- Assistance Animal Permit issued by TfNSW
- Accreditation from organisations endorsed by TfNSW
- Interstate accreditation recognised by TfNSW
You must carry your accreditation with you at all times as proof of entitlement.You may be refused access to public transport if you cannot produce your valid accreditation when requested.
You can apply for an Assistance Animal Permit on this page. Interstate visitors can apply for an interstate permit, but it is not required if you currently hold accreditation accepted by Transport for NSW.
To obtain an Assistance Animal Permit from Transport for NSW you will need:
- A medical certificate confirming that you have a disability within the meaning of the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth);
- Documentation showing that the assistance animal (where relevant) has been registered with the handler’s local Council;
- A colour photograph of your assistance animal
- Documentation dated within the last six months from either:
- An organisation/trainer registered with Transport for NSW; or
- An organisation/trainer NOT registered with Transport for NSW; or
- Yourself.
This documentation must detail the skills and actions that your animal has been trained to exhibit by stating:
- How these skills and actions alleviate the effects of your disability; and
- How these skills and actions meet the appropriate behaviour and hygiene standards for a public place; and
- How you control the animal.
Your Transport for NSW Assistance Animal Permit has a photo of the approved assistance animal on it and cannot be used for another animal.
What is the difference between an assistance animal and a companion animal?
In accordance with industry recognition, therapy animals, facility animals and emotional support animals are considered to be companion animals.
The key difference between an assistance animal and a companion animal (including therapy or emotional support animals) is whether the animal has been trained to perform certain actions that directly alleviate the handler’s disability. This training is additional to the animal’s behavioural training for public places. It is important to note that the mere presence of the animal is not enough for it to be considered an assistance animal.
Is my companion animal eligible for an Assistance Animal Permit?
If you or your animal do not meet the requirements to be eligible for an Assistance Animal Permit, please refer to the advice on travelling with companion animals and pets on public transport.
- If you are a NSW resident, complete the Assistance Animal Permit - NSW Application/Renewal form (pdf 263KB).
- For interstate residents, complete the Assistance Animal Permit - Interstate Application/Renewal form (pdf 269KB).
Submit your completed form and supporting documents online via the Concessions application form.
To renew your permit, please fill in the appropriate section in the applicable form.
Important information before applying:
- You will be required to provide documentation to support the conditions of use, so be sure to prepare a photocopy or scan of your supporting documents.
- Permits are issued for free and are valid for 24 months. After this time you will need to renew your accreditation and provide evidence that both you and your animal have completed refresher training within the last 6 months.
- To renew your Assistance Animal Permit, please fill in the appropriate section in the applicable form listed above.
For a replacement Transport for NSW Assistance Animal permit, either call 131 500 or submit a completed application form with your supporting documents online via the Concessions application form. A replacement fee may apply.
Ensure that you provide an assessment letter or report from a Registered Organisation:
Assistance Dogs Australia
Phone: 1800 688 364
Centre for Service and Therapy Dogs of Australia Pty Ltd
Phone: 1800965165
Hans van Heesbeen t/a Service Dog Training
Phone: (03) 8362 3091
Integra Service Dogs Australia
Phone: 0412 547 889
K9 Tales Pty Ltd
Phone: 0478 600 379
Miracle Assistance Dogs Inc
Phone: (02) 4934 3051
National Assistance Animals Training Group (T/A In Paws We Trust) NAATG
Pat Dogs Australia
Phone: 1300 007 364
Personal Assistance Dog Solutions
Phone: 0458755757
Pets Education Training Support
Phone: 0431853451
Smart Pups Assistance Dogs for Special Needs Children Inc
Phone: (07) 5485 0031
If you would like your organisation to be registered with Transport for NSW, please complete the Organisations and Trainers Registration form (pdf 281KB). Once completed, please submit your completed form and supporting documents online via the Concessions application portal
If you are self-training your animal on NSW public transport before being able to submit an application for an Assistance Animal Permit, you can apply for a Temporary Training Permit.
To apply, please complete the Temporary Training Application form (pdf 275KB) and submit this with your supporting documents online via the Concessions application portal.
For more information on travelling with an assistance animal, please see the Transport for NSW Assistance Animal Policy (pdf 1.3MB).