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Transport resources for school staff

This page contains user guides, brochures, forms and other resources for school administration staff and teachers.

Useful forms

Apply for a school travel pass for the first time

Find out more and apply online

Download and print a School Travel Pass paper application form (pdf 1.7MB)

Request a review

To request a review:

If the student has a medical condition which prevents them from walking, you must include a medical report and certificate with your review request when seeking an exemption on medical grounds. Download the medical report and certificate form (pdf 286KB)

If the pedestrian infrastructure between the student's home and school is unsuitable for safe walking, you may be able to apply for a review. Find out more about Guidelines for determining the safety of a walking route to school

Fact sheets and brochures

School Opal card brochure (pdf 210KB)

Free school travel School Opal card poster (pdf 246KB)

Tap on and tap off School Opal card poster (pdf 196KB)

Related information

School travel pass terms and conditions

Buy a school term bus pass

If the student does not qualify for free school travel, parents may be able to buy a School Term Bus Pass online.

Find out more and buy a School Term Bus Pass online

Cancel a School Term Bus Pass 

Cancel a School Term Bus Pass and request a refund by completing this online form.

Update a School Term Bus Pass

Purchase extra terms online

Update student details

Update student details online

Apply for the School Drive Subsidy 

Find out more and apply online

Download and print a School Drive Subsidy paper application form (pdf 215KB)

School Drive Subsidy Parent Portal

The School Drive Subsidy Parent Portal is where you can:

  • track your School Drive Subsidy applications, journeys and payments.
  • add another student
  • update your details or travel requirements

Log in to School Drive Subsidy parent portal

Download the School Drive Subsidy Parent Portal Handy Information Guide (pdf 167KB)

Request a review

To request a review:

  • Log into the Parent Portal
  • Click on the 'Claim special circumstances' button.

Find out more about Unsuccessful applications and reviews

If the student has a medical condition which prevents them from walking, you must include a medical report and certificate with your review request when seeking an exemption on medical grounds. Download the medical report and certificate form (pdf 286KB)

If the pedestrian infrastructure between the student's home and school is unsuitable for safe walking, you may be able to apply for a review. Find out more about Guidelines for determining the safety of a walking route to school

Related information

School Drive Subsidy terms and conditions

Guide to School Drive Subsidy payments

Apply for a Rail Boarder Pass

Information for new applicants

Boarder Rail Pass application form (pdf 746KB)

Submit the completed form with any supporting documents via

Apply for Lord Howe Island Secondary Student Flight subsidy

Information for new applicants

Lord Howe Island Secondary Student Flight application

Submit the completed form with any supporting documents via

Online resources

We have tools to help school students plan their school trip:

Find out more about planning your trip to school

Bus safety for school students (pdf 377KB) has more information on how families can help keep children safe getting on and off buses.

The Safety Town website has activities you can do with primary school children to help them keep safe on and around buses. There is also a section for families on driving safely around buses, and getting children to and from the bus stop safely.