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More travel options when you plan a trip

In a trial, taxi and rideshare operators are now included as travel options when you plan a trip with the Trip Planner, Opal Travel app.

Book a taxi or rideshare

Tell us where you are travelling to and from, and we will return results for all modes of transport.

Compare taxi or rideshare services with driving your car, public transport, walking or cycling, and make more informed decisions on the fastest and most cost effective travel options.

Taxi and rideshare operators

The following taxi and rideshare operators are currently available:

You can view an estimated cost and journey duration of your trip. If you choose to make a taxi or rideshare booking, you'll be sent to a third party operator website. Find out more.

Ways to book a service

Plan a trip and book a taxi or rideshare through these channels.

Trip planning options

Public transport

Plan trips on public transport and refine to suit your preferences

Taxi or rideshare

Book a taxi or rideshare with a third party operator when planning a trip.

Walk or cycle

See walking or cycling routes for all or part of your journey.


Plan a trip with option to drive your car for all or part of your journey.

For more information, see our guide on How to use the Trip Planner.