Rail Safety Week 2023

Rail Safety Week (RSW) is a rail industry initiative where operators in NSW come together to promote key rail safety messages. This year will the mark the sixteenth year for RSW and will run from 7-13 August 2023.
Within Transport for NSW, Sydney Trains, NSW TrainLink, Sydney Light Rail and Sydney Metro will take part in this year’s multi-modal campaign.
The campaign will target all rail commuters, weekend travellers, regional travellers, and occasional users within local communities.
Rail Safety Week promotes situational awareness which aims to deter distraction in the rail and light rail environment to our travelling customers.
Rail Safety Week is a reminder to all travellers to slow down, watch their step and be aware of their surrounds to avoid slips, trips and falls. It also informs travellers that there are broader safety measures to be considered, and to be responsible for their personal safety.