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Bus changes in the North and North West of Sydney

In August, changes will be made to bus services in the North and North West of Sydney to support the launch of Sydney Metro, Chatswood and Sydenham.

The bus changes aim to improve connectivity to Sydney Metro services and support integration into the broader public transport network.

The changes will enhance the network, support residential growth, reduce duplication of public transport services and include:.

  • Increasing service frequency and operating hours of some bus routes to offer improved connections to Sydney Metro.
  • Adjusting existing timetables for other bus routes to better reflect demand and improve service performance.
  • Adjusting some bus routes to end in different locations, to reduce duplication of public transport services.
  • Withdrawing a small number of routes where there is duplication with new Sydney Metro services and availability of alternative bus or train services.

Please see bus changes for more details on these upcoming changes.