Temporary service changes for some XPT trains between Sydney and Grafton
From late April 2025, two of the six daily rail services between Sydney and Grafton (one each way) will be provided by premium coaches temporarily to allow for fleet maintenance under the XPT life extension project.
Services affected:
- Route 36: 5:15 Grafton to Sydney will be temporarily replaced by a premium coach service, and
- Route 35: 11:44 Sydney to Grafton will be temporarily replaced by a premium coach service.
The remaining four of the six daily trains will run to the normal timetable.
The two premium coach services will run as express or selected stops options, keeping trips to a reasonable length and maintaining connections with other services. Timetables for the two services are being planned and will be published on this page when finalised.
Alternative rail and coach services are available at all regular stops on this route.