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I got off at the wrong train stop

What might have gone wrong?

If you are on a train and do no arrive at your destination when expected, this may be because:

  • The train did not stop at your destination
  • You missed the stop
  • You took the wrong train

What to do

Don't worry!

If you got of early, another train travelling along your train line will arrive soon to take you to your destined stop. Check the indicator boards for details and information about the next train.

1. Where am I?

Ask a transport worker or fellow commuter for help getting to your desired destination.

If there is no one around that can help, use the following resources to determine where you are:

  • The train station sign on the platform
  • Network maps at the station
  • The electronic departure screens, showing information about the next train arriving at the platform and the stations it will stop at
  • Listen for the announcements that are made when the next train is approaching.

2. Where am I going?

You know your destination from your original Trip Plan.

Make any adjustments that you need to where you're going given the disruption.

3. How do I get there?

Find your way from point where you are to where you are going by planning a new trip using any of the options below:

Use a trip planning app to plan a new trip from your current location to your desired destination. Learn more

Call the Transport Info Line: Call 131500, select option 5

Ask someone: Ask a transport worker, a person in uniform or passer by for assistance

Call your Travel Support person

TIP: If you use a digital tool to plan a new trip, you will see real time information about your trip options at the time the time of travel starting from your current location.

Learn more about how to use digital tools

To prepare for a smooth and easy journey:

  • Make sure you have planned your journey in advance and your plan is in hand. Want to Learn more? Plan your journey
  • Arrive at your stop or station at least 5 minutes earlier
  • Be prepared to use your personal backup plan to plan a new route to your destination. Want to learn more? Prepare for the unexpected