Accessible light rail travel

If you have limited mobility, you can travel on all light rail services. Staff can assist you with getting on and off light rail vehicles.
There are ramps or lifts for getting to and from the platform and all light rail stops have network maps and electronic information displays indicating when the next service is due.
Check the accessibility facilities at the light rail stop locations and read through the tips for planning an accessible trip.
L1 Dulwich Hill Line
If you require assistance or the ramp to board the light rail wait for your service by positioning yourself in the wheelchair boarding zone. Look for the wheelchair symbol marked in the tiles on the platform.
On approaching the stop, the driver or Customer Service Officers will be notified and will be ready to assist you with the boarding ramp.
When you are on board, park in the designated wheelchair space. Ensure your mobility aid is out of the aisle and apply the brakes.
If the vehicle is full or the designated areas already have passengers with mobility aids, you will have to wait for the next service.
At stop announcements will be made by the driver. When approaching your stop, press the blue button with an accessible symbol to alert the driver that you require the boarding ramp at the next stop.
There is only one lift at the Lilyfield light rail stop. If this lift is out of service, the stop will not be wheelchair accessible.
You can check travel alerts before you travel.
Glebe light rail stop is easily accessible and pram and wheelchair-friendly. There is, however, a steep incline up to Glebe Point Road from this stop. It may be easier to access Glebe Point Road from the Jubilee Park light rail stop.
If you have any questions about station access, phone 02 8584 5288, 24 hours a day.
L2 Randwick and L3 Kingsford Line
Getting on and off the light rail with a wheelchair
Dedicated wheelchair waiting areas on each light rail platform are located adjacent to bench seats underneath canopies. They are identified using Tactile Ground Surface Indicators. These waiting areas are positioned to correspond to the accessible seating sections inside the trams.
As all light rail stops have level access, there is no requirement for a wheelchair ramp to board or alight from the tram.
There are four dedicated priority seating areas for wheelchairs and prams, which include a blue push button with an accessible symbol on the button. When pushed, the button requests the attention of the driver to give you more time to alight for exiting if needed.
Safety onboard
LED lights and a door obstacle detection system ensure the safety of boarding and alighting passengers.
In addition, onboard Emergency Help Points are located in each corner of the priority seating area beside the door of the tram in that section of the vehicle.
These Help Points have two buttons on them with the same function. One button is positioned at a lower height so that it can be pushed by someone with limited mobility.
If you require urgent assistance, press and hold the button and the tram driver will respond as soon as they are safely able to do so.
Drivers are able to communicate with the Operations Control Centre to request extra assistance if needed, from Police or other emergency services.
All 19 light rail stops on the L2 Randwick Line and L3 Kingsford Line are accessible.
Platform delineation for your safety
Platform edge delineation has been designed in accordance with Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport (DSAPT) requirements for colour contrast and dimensions.
All light rail stops have tactile pavers to identify the platform edge. They also have directional tactile pavers that lead to a recommended boarding point on island and side platforms. This recommended boarding point will lead you to priority seating on board a tram.
Wheelchair waiting areas
Dedicated wheelchair waiting areas on each light rail platform are located adjacent to bench seats underneath canopies on stops. They have been identified using markers embedded in pavers. These waiting areas are positioned according to the accessible seating sections inside the trams.
Service information and communication
Public Information Displays on each platform will advise of next service arrival times with the capacity for audio announcements, service information or other operational messages. In addition, all stops are equipped with Help Point and Hearing loop.
Help Points are within easy reach of customers who use wheelchairs and mobility scooters, and are consistently positioned on platforms for familiar access.
- Island platforms have one Help Point.
- Side platforms will have a Help Point on each one.
Hearing loops and Help Point signage has been designed in accordance with DSAPT and Australian Standards.
Ease of boarding and alighting
You do not need to request ramp deployment by the tram driver to board or alight services, as tram doors are level with stop platforms, with minimal gaps to comply with accessibility requirements. Accessible boarding points on the trams are marked on the platforms using markers embedded in pavers.
Anzac Parade at Moore Park stop
The pedestrian bridge over Anzac Parade at Moore Park stop will provide a safe and accessible route for nearby school students, sports fans and event-goers to the light rail stop. The bridge is accessible with lifts installed at either end.
Each tram is composed of two coupled vehicles (67 metres in total), able to accommodate up to approximately 450 passengers. Each tram seats 120 passengers with dedicated spaces for extra priority seating.
Features on board include:
- Low floors
- Four dedicated priority seating areas for wheelchairs and prams, which include a push button to request the attention of the driver to give you more time to alight if needed for exiting
- Double doors, including sixteen indicated as priority doors for accessing and alighting, due to their proximity to on-board priority seating areas
Service information and communication
On-board display screens provide travel information such as next stop, destination and interchange information. Audio announcements inform you of upcoming stops and each vehicle is equipped with hearing loops.
L4 Westmead & Carlingford Line
Getting on and off the light rail with a wheelchair
Dedicated wheelchair waiting areas on each light rail stop platform are located adjacent to bench seats underneath the stop canopies. They have been identified using a marker embedded in pavers. These waiting areas are positioned within close proximity to the accessible seating sections inside the light rail vehicles.
Accessible boarding points have been identified using a series of three smaller markers embedded in pavers near the platform edge tactile. These align to the accessible seating sections inside the light rail vehicles
As all light rail stops have level access, there is no requirement for a wheelchair ramp to board or alight from the light rail vehicle.
There are two dedicated priority seating areas for wheelchairs and prams, which include a blue push button with an accessible symbol on the button. When pushed, the button requests the attention of the driver to give you more time to alight for exiting if needed.
Safety onboard
A door obstacle detection system ensures the safety of boarding and alighting passengers. In addition, onboard Emergency Help Points are located in each priority seating area for wheelchairs and beside every other door.
If you require urgent assistance, press the button and the light rail driver will respond as soon as they are safely able to do so.
Drivers are able to communicate with the Operations Control Centre to request extra assistance if needed, from Police or other emergency services.
If the emergency call is not answered by the driver, the call will be transferred and answered by the Operations Control Centre.
All 16 light rail stops on the L4 Westmead & Carlingford Line are accessible.
Platform delineation for your safety
Platform edge delineation has been designed in accordance with Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport (DSAPT) requirements for luminance, colour contrast and dimensions. All light rail stops have tactile pavers to identify the platform edge. They also have directional tactile pavers that lead to a recommended boarding point on island and side platforms. This recommended boarding point will lead you to priority seating on board a light rail vehicle.
Wheelchair waiting areas
Dedicated wheelchair waiting areas on each light rail stop platform are located adjacent to bench seats underneath canopies. They have been identified using a large marker embedded in pavers. These waiting areas are positioned within close proximity to the accessible seating sections inside light rail vehicles.
Accessible boarding points
Accessible boarding points have been identified using a series of three smaller markers embedded in pavers near the platform edge tactile. These align to the accessible seating sections inside the light rail vehicles.
Service information and communication
Public Information Displays on each platform will advise of next service arrival times with the capacity for audio announcements, service information or other operational messages. All stops are equipped with Help Points and Hearing loop. Help Points are located on all stop platforms within easy reach of customers who use wheelchairs and mobility scooters, and are consistently positioned for familiar access. Hearing loop and Help Point signage has been designed in accordance with DSAPT and Australian Standards.
Ease of boarding and alighting
You do not need to request ramp deployment by the light rail driver to board or alight services, as the doors in the light rail vehicle are level with stop platforms, with minimal gaps to comply with accessibility requirements. Accessible boarding points on the light rail vehicles are marked on the stop platforms using markers embedded in pavers.
Each Parramatta Light Rail vehicle is 45 metres long and able to accommodate up to 400 passengers. There are two wheelchair spaces and four bike racks on each light rail vehicle with dedicated spaces for extra priority seating.
Features on board include:
- Low floors
- Two dedicated priority seating areas for wheelchairs and prams, which include a push button to request the attention of the driver to give you more time to alight if needed for exiting.
- Double doors, including sixteen indicated as priority doors for accessing and alighting, due to their proximity to on-board priority seating areas.
Service information and communication
On-board display screens provide travel information such as next stop, destination and interchange information. Audio announcements inform you of upcoming stops and each vehicle is equipped with Hearing loop.