Commuting by bike

Join the many others who have started riding their bike to get to and from work. In this section we will give you the information you will need to help you start commuting by bike.
This includes the equipment you will need, how to plan your route and what to do when you get to your destination.
Here is a list of the basic equipment you will need to start riding your bike. To find out more information and to ensure you’re meeting safety requirements, visit the NSW Centre for Road Safety.
Bicycle riders are required by law to wear an approved helmet securely fitted and fastened. In NSW there are no exemptions from wearing an approved bicycle helmet. Your helmet will need to be correctly fitted and meet Australian and New Zealand safety standards.
Horns and bells
Under the NSW Road Rules your bike must be quipped with a bell or horn to warn pedestrians and other cyclists that you're around, particularly when overtaking.
Your bike must be fitted with at least one working brake.
Front and rear lights make you more visible, and help you to see in low light conditions. While lights are not legally required during daylight in good visibility, by law you must have lights fitted to your bike and turned on if you are riding between sunset and sunrise and in bad weather. Find out more
To make it easier for other road users to see you, wear bright or light coloured clothing during the day and reflective clothing at night.
If you have a relatively short and easy ride you may be able to get away with just wearing your normal work clothes, just make sure they are comfortable and aren't likely to get caught in the bike chain or other mechanisms or restrict your movement. Otherwise you may prefer to wear dedicated clothing for your cycling trip then allow some extra time to change when you arrive at work.
Other equipment
Most bikes will have somewhere to store a water bottle and it's important to keep hydrated, especially in warmer weather. If you need to carry equipment you can consider wearing a backpack or other bag that you can secure so it won't move around or you may prefer fitting your bike with a luggage rack instead.
You may want to trial riding your route on a weekend to make sure you know the way, have a good idea of the time needed and identify any potential hazards you may encounter along the way without the time pressure of getting to work on time.
Otherwise allow some extra time the first few times you try riding to work.
Bike parking facilities, including bookable bike lockers or Opal enabled bike sheds, are available at many stations, wharves and bus interchanges all over NSW to make it easier for you to combine riding with your public transport journey.
You can look up your station, stop or wharf to check what bike parking facilities are available including bikesheds or lockers.
Check with your work location if there is any on-site bike storage and changing facilities available.
Local councils may also have dedicated bike storage facilities available in the area. You can find more information on your local council website.