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Austinmer Station

Routes from this stop

Travel in the correct car

Some Intercity trains may be longer than the platform.

Plan your trip to choose the correct car for your destination.


  • Commuter car park
  • Wheelchair accessible car space
  • Toilets
  • Emergency help point
  • Payphone
  • No Opal card top up or single trip ticket sales

Train station staffed hours

Staff are on duty at this station during these hours:

Weekdays Weekends/public holidays
Weekdays5.35am-9.35am Weekends/public holidaysUnattended


  • This location is Assisted Access
  • Wheelchair ramp boarding assistance
  • Hearing loop
  • PA system for announcements
  • Platform edge tactiles

Opal fare peak times

Get a 30% discount when you travel on the Opal network on Fridays, weekends, public holidays, and outside peak times. Off peak fares apply on metro/train, bus and light rail service, and the Newcastle Stockton ferry. Please note:

  • The off-peak discount does not apply to Opal single tickets.
  • Your fare is calculated from the time you tap on with your Opal card or contactless card or device.

At this location, the peak times are Monday to Thursday as follows:

Morning Afternoon
Morning6.30am-10am Afternoon3pm-7pm