Lake Macquarie On Demand service

Earn up to $2 travel credit every time you transfer between Opal and On Demand services in Lake Macquarie. Find out more about travel credit.
The Lake Macquarie On Demand service area covers Charlestown, Dudley, Whitebridge, Gateshead, Redhead, Warners Bay, Mount Hutton, Windale, Tingira Heights, Eleebana, Croudace Bay, Valentine, Belmont North and Belmont areas.
From key activity centres such as Charlestown, Warners Bay, Mount Hutton and Belmont you can connect with bus routes to continue your journey beyond the On Demand area.
The On Demand service runs in addition to existing regular timetabled services. An On Demand bus will pick you up near your home or a convenient nearby location, and take you to where you want to go within the On Demand area.
The service is operated by Newcastle Transport and began Sunday 14 January 2018.
Find out more at
Book via the app
To book, you can download the Newcastle Transport On Demand App from the App Store or Google Play and then log in with your Transport Connect credentials.
The booking system allows you to book multiple trips at once so you can plan ahead, up to three months in advance.
Please note with any pre booked trips, the On Demand service could arrive anytime in the 30 minute booking window.
You can book this service by calling 1300 590 506
On Demand fares are the equivalent of Adult Opal fares and Concession Opal fares for bus.
Free travel entitlements are available to customers with a Vision Impaired Person's Travel Pass, NSW Blinded Soldier Pass, WW1 Veteran's Widows Pass and Ex-Defence card. Conditions apply.
Hours of operation
Monday to Friday | 9am-6pm |
Saturday | 7am-6pm |
Sunday | 9am-6pm |
Sunday hours of operation will be in place on all public holidays.
What is travel credit?
With Transport Connect, you can earn up to $2 in travel credit every time you transfer within 60 minutes between Opal and On Demand services.
You will need a Transport Connect account to start earning travel credit. Sign up for a Transport Connect account and On Demand travel credit, link your Opal card and add a payment card. Get the Newcastle Transport On Demand app from the App Store or Google Play, or if you have it, make sure it is up-to-date. Then log in to the app using your Transport Connect account username and password to complete your setup
Once you've completed these steps, any travel credit you earn will be added to your Transport Connect account. When you have accumulated enough credit, you can use it to pay for your next On Demand trip.
For more details, see the Travel Credit help page.
The Lake Macquarie On Demand service area covers Dudley, Whitebridge, Mount Hutton, Windale, Tingira Heights, Eleebana, Warners Bay, Bennetts Green, Gateshead and Charlestown. This area has been expanded to include Belmont, Belmont North, Croudace Bay, Valentine, Floraville, Jewells, and Redhead.
Download the Newcastle Transport On Demand trial area map (pdf 633KB)