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Nightly Thursday - Sunday start 6pm Nightly Thursday - Sunday finish 2am
Haldon St, Lakemba
Gates Open TBC First bounce 15:20 Full time 17:50
ENGIE Stadium (Showground Stadium), Sydney Olympic Park
Gates open 16:00 Kick-off 17:00 Finish 19:00
McDonald Jones Stadium, Broadmeadow
Concert doors open both days 10:00 Morning concert start both days 11:00 Afternoon concert start both days 14:45 Afternoon concert finish both days 16:30
ICC Sydney Theatre, Darling Harbour
Gates open 18:00 Kick-off 19:00 Full time 20:45
Sydney Football Stadium, Moore Park
Gates open 18:30 NRL kick-off 20:00 Full time 22:00
Gates open 19:00 Kick-off 20:00 Full time 21:45
CommBank Stadium, Parramatta
Doors open 18:00 Start 19:30 Finish 22:30
Qudos Bank Arena, Sydney Olympic Park
Gates Open 18:00 Kick-off 19:00 Full time 21:00
Central Coast Stadium (Industree Group Stadium), Gosford
Gates open 11:15 First race 12:30 Last race 17:55
Rosehill Gardens, Rosehill
Gates open 14:15 First bounce 16:15 Full time 18:55
Sydney Cricket Ground, Moore Park
Gates open 16:00 Women's Kick-off 16:50 Men's Kick-off 19:35 Full time 21:30